For Men Health

Want to lead a healthy life? Start living healthy today.

Healthy living, however, isn't something that you can see the results of right away. It takes patience, hard work and long-term commitment. To stay healthy, you need to eat right, engage in regular exercise and lead a healthy lifestyle. Following disease-prevention practices can also contribute to staying in good physical shape as you age.

Men's Health

Because of their inclination for smoking, drinking or making unhealthy lifestyle choices, most men are more predisposed to a higher risk of health disorders. Among the major health risks that men deal with are heart disease and colon cancer. There are conditions that only affect men; these include low testosterone and prostate cancer.

Timely diagnosis and medical intervention increase the chances of a successful treatment of the health condition.

Prostate Health

Did you know prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men? In the U.S., around 200,000 men have developed this potentially life-threatening condition. One in six men will be diagnosed while one in 35 will die. (Reference:

Prostate cancer has the following symptoms:

Family history, diet and lifestyle are among the common risk factors for this disease. Treatment for prostate cancer may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and hormonal therapy.


Did you know obesity is more deadly among men than women? Second only to tobacco smoking, being overweight or obese is the leading cause of premature death in the U.S. (Reference:

Obesity or overweight problems are closely related to the following conditions:

With a safe, medically supervised weight loss program, you can shed the excess pounds. Here are some of the benefits of weight loss:


Any physical or psychological problem that affects a person's ability to provide or derive sexual satisfaction from a partner is sexual dysfunction. In men, this condition is more common as one ages.

There are four major classifications of male sexual dysfunction:

Sexual dysfunction can have physical and psychological causes. The physical causes include the following:

The psychological causes of sexual dysfunction include:

To minimize the likelihood of sexual dysfunction, it is important to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption. Treatment of psychological or emotional problems like depression and anxiety can also greatly improve the condition.

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